Social selling is “leveraging your professional brand to fill your pipeline with the right people, insights, and relationships.”
The term “social selling” is still fairly new despite the explosive growth and popularity of social networks, many B2B executives believed that such social sites as Twitter and Facebook were distractions that would draw salespeople’s attention away from core selling activities. They also believed that LinkedIn was largely a résumé repository, where salespeople would go to hunt for new jobs or be poached by the competition. There is a growing awareness among sales leaders, however, that, at its core, social selling adheres to the same time-tested principles of sales success. Consider the definition of social selling put forth by LinkedIn’s global senior manager of social marketing, Koka Sexton, in his blog post “The Rise of Social Selling.” He defines social selling as, “leveraging your professional brand to fill your pipeline with the right people, insights, and relationships.” the right people. Reference: LinkedIn: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html?
“Making a connection to Social Selling” – HSMAI Article